donderdag 27 augustus 2015

Chun Li

Born: 01-03-1968
Country: China
Height: 5'5" (165 cm)
Weight: Secret
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Dark brown
Blood type: A
Fighting style: Chinese martial arts

Chun-Li is an martial arts expert and Interpol officer who goes undercover to avenge the death of her father. The killer of her father is the nefarious M. Bison, who is the leader of the Shadaloo crime syndicate. She decides to return to her life as ordinary girl after Bison is defeated.

She saw her first classical Chinese movie ''Peking Opera'' when she was five years old and saw Bruce Lee for the first time in action. That movie fascinated her what the reason is, why she became interested in martial arts. She started with Tai Chi, however this discipline is different then the gorgeous movements which she remembered from Peking Opera.

She soon started to train several fighting styles from all around the world as taekwondo, Full contact karate, Judo, sanda (combat wushu) and capoeira. Her father taught her various basic exercises of Hong Quan what her skills rapidly improved in Chinese kempo ("Chinese martial arts"). She mostly kicks while fighting, something what she has learned from her father. She continues to develop her kicks and embracing techniques. She is a very skilled firearm user also and achieves a sixth place in an international shooting competition.

She speaks fluent English and has investigate skills, penetrating eyes, beauty and acting talent for deception.

She becomes detective when she was eighteen years old and follows in her father's footsteps. She becomes later narcotics officer for the I.C.P.O (International Criminal Police Organization) also known as Interpol. 
She works as anti-Shadaloo investigator and was known as the "black sheep of the I.C.P.O.". She investigates the illegal sales of narcotics and weapons of Shadaloo.

She strongly believes in protecting innocent people but yet she has no qualms with fighting. She underwent development in resourcefulness and is dedicated with a strong sense of justice. She is highly disciplined, seasoned and is an courageous warrior.

She is quite competitive against other fighters and takes defeats not kindly. She becomes often allies and sometimes friends after her fights.


  • She can do multiple kicks in the air while she is sitting, with her power Hyakuretsukyaku.
  • She can perform a Stomp Kick while jumping on top of her opponent's heads.
  • She has an Spinning Bird Kick and the Sen'en Shuu is an overhead drop kick which knocked the opponent down.
  • She flipped in the air before she attacks with a overhead kick with the power Hazanshu.
  • The Kakukyakuraku is basically a move where she flips in the air and kicks her opponents on the head with a drop kick, causing them fall down.
  • The "Tenshin Shuu Kyaku" move is a jump attack on the opponent from behind with a combo afterward.
  • Her trademark projectile is called the Kikoken, which is a motion attack and a charge attack.
  • Her Tenshokyaku move enabled her to perform a 3-4 consecutive jump kick in the air  who brings damage to her opponents.
  • The Sou Hakkei is a powerful palm strike which she can do and the Tenshin Embu is a command grab who can damage opponents.

Super Attacks

  • Her super combo the Senretsukyaku is an extended Hyakuretsukyaku move which enables her to throw fireballs. 
  • Her Kikosho combo is a stationary ball of energy who can stop attacks from above and in front. 
  • Her Hazan Tenshou Kyaku super combo is a powered-up version of the Tenshokyaku. 
  • The Houyoku Sen super combo is a re-imagined Senretsukyaku that was made up of two flurries of rapid kicks, followed by a final kick on the opponent from above.
  • The Tensei Ranka super combo is an aerial flip-kick who ends with a final kick straight downward.
  • The Ultra Combo Hosenka enables her to kick the opponent in the air, followed by a powered-up Spinning Bird Kick, which causes a tornado.
  • The Hyper Combo Shichisei Senkuu Kyaku is a super combo who goes through the opponent with a powerful kick. 

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